A little tale about Magick. No I haven't lost the plot nor sold my soul. Magick exists all over the world; people see it in their loved ones, in the stars in the night sky, in the art they love, in the music they are passionate about. It isn't a set image with a straight set of guidelines. I hope that each of you has something they can find a little magick in, at least for one day.
Like many other twenty-somethings I find myself drawn to certain passions, love, cultures and faiths. I'm not the kind of person to share my political or religious views all over the internet but Magick is something I find both interesting and inspiring. This post is aimed more about that interest rather than me telling you what you should believe. These are simply my findings and thoughts on the subject.
What is magick to me? Magick is just a little cosmic dust that I happen to like reading about and hearing tales of. It gives me something outside the realm of reality to indulge in. Mostly what first drew me in to magick; was back in the day living in the historic city of Worcester and just about every cathederal, castle I've visited since. I have had an obsession with dragons, castles, forests, oceans, celts and anicent civilisations for just about as long as I can remember. I've had an obsession with Native American culture since my dad brought me gifts from a settlement on a vist to the states almost twenty years ago. Magick is my way of connecting my modern life with those ancient interests.
My teachers told my parents I had a wild imagination with good creative flair. My family say i'm a free spirit. My friends say i'm away with the faeries and i'm often found daydreaming. The things is, I refuse to see the world in the mundane reality we are so often presented with.
I find magick in the blogs I read too; for a while now i've liked taking a moment to read Scarphelia. I have as some of you know been particularly unwell this week with Asthma. I watched one of my favourite movies 'About Time', I wrote about it and my illness soon after. Later I was scrolling through Twitter and found a post Katie had written including the film. A little magick was there presented to me; a blogger I admire writing about a film I love. There to take my mind off being unwell, was Katie providing me with a little magick in my day.
Another magick trait I find interesting is meditation and aromatherapy. Reading blogs like She Is The Revolution written by Jayne. I've never met Jayne, I feel bad I've not even tweeted for sometime either, but Jayne you regularly provide me with a little magick to enhance my day.
While Jayne's blog is titled 'She is the revoltuion', the studio I work with holds our motto as 'I am the revolution' another small sign of magick joining my spiritual side to my reality.
While reading about meditation, youga and aromatherapy, I was introduced through a mutual friend to Kirsty. Her beautiful photos and tweets of all things Crystal and magick provide me with mini magick pick me ups throughout my week.
Magick isn't something limited to networks of people on social media sites either, it is in fact present in popular music and films throughout history. Someone who can provide you with a hell of a more detailed count of these links is Mr. Jarred Triskelion who I first met when he gave me a tarot reading. The link I have provided is called 'hiding in plain sight' though Jarred's blog is a must-read for anyone with an interest in the occult magick world.
A song i've come to love for many years now is 'Magic Dance' by David Bowie, featured in the film 'Labyrinth'. This tune certainly provides me with a little magick when I need it most. David Bowie also appears in the film 'The Prestige' which focuses around a more popular theme of Magic.
I think i'd be kidding myself if I didn't at least mention Tolkein's works and Harry Potter's adventures; which have made magick available to the masses. From the corners of Middle Earth to the bays of Westeros and the crooked buildings of Diagon Alley, magick truly is all around us.
I first took an interest in Magick as a teen when my mum had quite an obsession with Egyptology and Magick. My school friends and I would look up love spells and find books about magick. We once did a spell where we each grew a plant, this was the symbol of a growing love. When my mum accidentally knocked my plant off my windowsill while I was at school, the same day as my boyfriend broke up with me, I was convinced I'd had my first encounter with real magick. I've grown more skeptical over the years but I try not to let the pessimist in me ruin all my fun and I like to believe there is some magick left in the world.
So today, I find magick in all things from culinary delights, astronomy, history and music to actually reading about magick. I love finding little craft shops full of incense, candles, crystals and books. This tune from Santana I first heard on vinyl after saving a load my mum had cast to a box hidden in a cabinet. I popped incense on, turned the lights off and let the notes play out into the room, for me that created a certain kind of magick.
Since school I have been collecting little 'magickal' treasures. From precious stones to coins, pieces of eight (bits of no consequence to the world that I find mystical and intruiging) to candles, incense and of course pretty boxes to keep my spell ingredients in.
I find images online that inspire me to see magick in the world, but one blogger in particular provides my Instagram feed with such magick, that I have to share a link for you all to check out. Heather's images on EffiesMakeUpBox include stunning jewellery, smudge sticks, the cutest cats, dogs, epic sketches and beautiful ink, it really is a magickal place. With a mutual love of Dinosaurs, I can honestly say Heather is one of my favourite Bloggers.
Wherever you find your magick, whether it's Dynamo's tricks, the incredible acts of Cirque Du Soleil or the films, books, music and people you surround yourself with. Take a little moment to enjoy it tonight.
♥ ☮
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