From lightsabres and hologram messages to hover boards and flying Delorians. How the movies perception of the future in a galaxy far far away was not too far off our own reality.
2015 is tomorrow (or now depending on when you've clicked the link on your smartphone, tablet or laptop) it's the furthest year in time that The Doc and Marty travel in Back To The Future; while our skies aren't filled with flying cars, the realities are not to dissimilar from one another.
Let's use the timeline of our favourite time travelers adventures in the space time continuum as an example. If you took a person from 1955 and showed them 2015, they'd think the future was now. Imagine the skyline in London post war, compared to today's ever growing skyscrapers and apartment blocks.
Get them to use their dial telephone to make a land line call, then show them the possibilities, of not only wireless land lines with more than one phone in a property, show them your smartphone, the device that allows you to carry all your important documents, contacts and social life around in your pocket.
If that wasn't enough to blow their mind, show them your Face time, video calling, and Facebook messenger calling. 'What's Facebook?' 'Oh it's our social network, our place in the future where everyone has an online profile that allows them to interact with people the world over for free.'
Now imagine going back to the earliest time period they travel to in the final movie and show all the above technology to a person in 1885...
In less than 150 years look how the world has evolved. If that wasn't an eye opener for you, now imagine what 150 years is to the Earth. Bet you don't feel so ancient now!
I used Encarta at school for digital learning. I remember when my high school first got a classroom of computers formerly having just the one in the entire school! My 18 year old friends don't remember that, they've never used Encarta or had the need for CD-Rom learning.
While I joke with my parents for the way they learnt at school, kids today see my education as prehistoric.
On the topic of dinosaurs, did you know that there is more time between the life periods of the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, than between the T-Rex and an Iphone. What's really scary is that in just under 70 years, humans went from taking flight to landing on the moon.
With technology ever evolving and the world becoming ever more connected, you have to wonder what the future in 150 years will look like. Sadly none of us will be around to tell, but perhaps your grandchildren will.
I'm glad I was alive to see the time before the millennium, before the birth of the smartphone, before the creation of Google... that's right kiddies, KG was roaming the Earth before your one stop answer to everything. A time when if you didn't know something you could look it up in a dictionary or phone a friend!
I'm excited to see what the future holds, I used to want to be an astronaut, a Jedi (still do actually NASA if you're reading) so in an age when people are attempting skydives from the edge of the Earth's atmosphere and commercial flights to space are more than just an idea, I find myself interested as to where mankind will focus their evolution of technology next.
If you really find the concept of space travel interesting, watch the trailer located here for Virgin Galactic. I've taken a Virgin Cross-Country in my time and never had a problem, but maybe I'll wait a decade or two for Galactic journeys.
It's not just the gadgets we use, the internet and the way we use technology that has evolved. Movies are now filmed in 3D and viewed at regular cinemas, when I was a kid you'd need to find an Imax theatre.
Our whole way we use technology has evolved from something unheard of to something accessible to all, that we use in everything from socializing, to work to personal fitness and learning.
If anything were ever truer today, it's that the future is possibility, nothing is impossible.