Thursday 12 June 2014


  Sorry it's been quite a while since I last posted here, but to be honest I think I was waiting until I was ready with a direction for my posts. LITTLEBEARWOLF is my hub for all things MUSIC. This is my place to share my other passions with you, my adventures as such. The thing was though, I was sort of having a passion block; odd right? Considering the work I do, I LOVE. I just couldn't muster the enthusiasm to portray anything worthwhile. I was taught growing up, 'If you have nothing interesting or helpful to say, say nothing at all'.

  I've been thinking a lot recently, about 'HAPPINESS' which for such a joyous word seems to be appearing more and more of a tabboo subject. I think this is partly because we are taught from a young age that we must be successful and have dreams and hopes and wealth to be happy. If another celebrity rehab stint isn't enough to convince you otherwise, I don't know what will. I've learnt from living away from home, in my most depressed chapter, where I felt like a prisoner in my own life, living off hand me down tins of food and the kindness of those around me; that it's in our most basic stages we can achieve the truest kind of happiness.

  Although I am eternally greatful to no longer be in that situation in that chapter, what it taught me, will stay with me forever. I am stronger than I think. I can be happy with very little and above all else it is how you live your life, not what you do with it, that in the end will bring you happiness.

  Each of us are different, no one looks exactly the same, feels the same or has all the same loves. I think life is not so much about finding yourself but creating yourself. It isn't until your mid to late twenties that you even sort of come into your own skin. If I take anything from my peers, is that enjoy the journey of growing older, of living your life. I feel at my best right now in my life. I've been better off, I've been more innocent but I am happy now. When I look in the mirror, I see me and that's something no-one can take away from me.

  Life is so unbelievably fragile, it's over in the blink of an eye. Recently I've read mottos 'DON'T TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY, IT'S NOT AS THOUGH YOU'LL MAKE IT OUT ALIVE'. I particularly like this one. 'YOU'RE A SPEC OF COSMIC DUST TO THE UNIVERSE, WHATEVER YOU DO IS GOING TO HAVE NO LASTING EFFECT ON THE UNIVERSE SO DON'T STRESS IT'. Alright, so they have the potential to be the biggest murderers of motivation, 'If I'm so inconsequential, what's the point'. At the same time, they're true. Maybe you'll think theres no point and do nothing. PERHAPS you'll think, 'okay, overall it's going to have no lasting effect but F*** it, I'm going to give my all anyway'. When it's over, you will say 'I DID IT' rather than I wish I had done it.

  Don't harm others, don't bring hatred to the world. I see many people attacking others instead of facing their own demons. Your demons will never go while you manifest them, so if something is troubling you, seek it out, remove it from your life. Bringing others pain, will get you nowhere in the long run.

  I try not to think too hard on what life is all about, I try not to think too hard on what comes after. I prefer to wake up and face my day. Just remember that everything inside your little box is nothing compared to the box the Earth sits in and in turn the box the universe sits in. Time and life will carry on, sometimes you'll feel like you really want to go no further. I have those days and I can't stand them. I urge you to keep going, keep breathing. I can't tell you why, but all I can say is i'm glad I haven't stopped because life is beautiful, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it.

 There will be BAD days. There will be days that you never want to live again. There will also be AMAZING days, days you will think of and reminisce on for all time to come. Take what you will from life and remember only you can be you. While you may have no lasting effect on the universe, you have a lasting effect on the people you meet. On the people you share time with.
Happiness isn't what you do with your life. It's how you live your life.

 John Lennon once said

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” 

  So whatever you're doing today, whoever you're with or not with. Remember it's not going to be a great day because of what you do, it's going to be a great day because of how you use your time.

  Life is a constant balancing act of family, friends, career infused with all your human emotions. Of course it's going to be a trainwreck from time to time, allow yourself to make mistakes.
A 1000 years ago, we weren't worried whether we had the latest trends down, whether we had a 3 or 6 bedroom house in a good neighbourhood. We were worried about taking shelter from storms, finding enough food to survive. While society has evolved. Humans still need those basic things. You don't need the latest designer shoes, you do need clean water. We're very lucky that we live in a society where those things are provided on tap. It's nice to have designer treats. You don't NEED them.
  We need very little to survive, it seems we've been mis-taught we need A LOT to really live. This here my little corner of the web, is my place to share my little adventures and life with you. I live in a 21st century country where I am lucky to be able to make my own choices and do what motivates me. I'm not looking for mansions and money. I'm just here trying to make it through each of my given days. I'd say i'm a hippy trying to make it in a world of robots and skyscrapers. I'd rather live in a hobbit-house and eat bread and cheese, grow my own vegetables and sleep under the stars. Maybe one day i'll find a way to do both. Maybe I won't want those things at all this time next year. Either way, they aren't a today problem.
I hope you'll pop back and enjoy my posts. Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts by leaving comments.


Images / content belong to their respective owners.
LITTLEBEARWOLF  © Krystal Gemma. 

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