Sunday, 30 November 2014


  Sometimes it takes your saddest, longest or hardest day to date to make you realise just who you are and what you are going to do with the time that has been given to you.

  For me it was a series of small incidents and challenges that led me to today. To realising that beyond all else, it is my time, and only I can truly affect what happens with it.
The fire in my heart burns stronger than ever before and I do not see aging as something of a weakness. I have lived a mere twenty-six years, that is but a blink to the universe and I am but a speck of dust to the cosmos, but that is not going to stop me from living the greatest adventure I have ever embarked upon - to live.

  We become so involved within our box that we lose all hope and sight of anything that is not ultimately graspable in the present moment. We focus all our aspirations and dreams on something that is always yet to happen, while we let the moments of now, the only ones we have the impact to change, slip us by.

  I too did this, almost two years ago I started a blog, it changed my entire direction and outlook on life. Suddenly the impossible did not seem so impossible. Yet like so many others, I recently found myself in a rut, not because I no longer enjoyed what I did, not because I wasn't passionate, simply because all of a sudden I was so focused on the future that I had begun to completely neglect the present, in order to not end up in the past. Yet my own actions led me to a fragile situation emotionally that was bringing me ever closer to the past. 
  I had to put the future out of my head, it was the only way to escape the past. The present is the only time I have to make any difference to my being, my adventure, my journey.

 I didn't know three years ago that I would be not working in retail management, I did not know a year ago that I would be living in my own place. I do not know what I will be doing or how I will be spending my time a year from now. So all I can really do is use the current moment and fire in my heart to further drive my passion and time in one direction.

 What do you want to be when you grow up? Alive. Free. Passionate. Happy. Peaceful. 
How do you want to be when you grow up? Compassionate, Personable. Creative. Innovative. Loved.
Who do you want to be when you grow up? An ever developing, exploring version of me.

  I do not want my career, way of life, personal life or choices to define who I am in one word or sentence; because it is together this cocktail of parts make up me as a person and I decide how to act, how to spend my time on what I do, where I do it and with whom I do it.

  Sometimes that fire that burns will dampen and it will require oxygen to help it breathe, it will require heat from others to warm it, mostly it will require fuel to keep it burning. 

  Humans are beautiful machines of science that before we even say a word or lift a finger have more than a hundred thousand actions happening at once, that we are neither aware of nor can we control. 

We live on a planet that spins at millions of miles a second around a burning ball of gas, where magic is created in movies, music & art, mountains rise above oceans and where in the darkness of night a billion trillions stars appear like fairy lights in a darkened room. 

Yet we focus so much of our energy on what we do, what we earn, where we live and how as a community and society we approach events, government and life. That we forget all of those beautiful things and become consumed by the 'real world' which is but a mere aspect of the world in which we exist.

I realise that my biggest struggle in my twenties has been coming to terms with the world we live in and the world in which we exist. How two components can be so far apart yet joined completely. Am I supposed to join the rat race and live comfortably or am I supposed to wander barefoot along the shores of freedom from humanity.
Can you ever truly exist and be part of both?

I decided that it is my time and I will do with it as I please. There is no written answers, no book, manuscript or government that has all the answers, that knows the truth, the answers to life.

It's like when you make a search on the web. 90% of the matches will be unhelpful to the answer, site or object you seek. Yet that 10% that you untangle from the web of responses will be what you're looking for. 

In life it is down to us to each retreat to our own mind palace and find the match we seek that will strike that kindling and start the fire. Untangle what you know to be false or unnecessary and keep only that which matters.

I know where I have been, I don't know where I will go, I know where I am.
Not all those who wander are lost. 

Do all that you can with the time that has been given to you.
Be fearless, compassionate and above all else refuse to give in to normality, conformity and a life that would suffocate you.

Those who provide me with inspiration are simply humans, humans that above all else are curious, extraordinary and refusing to accept that cards they are dealt will rule their life.

Living is the hardest thing you will have to do. It will also be the single greatest thing you ever do.




Friday, 28 November 2014


If you follow my Twitter account (@littlebearwolf ) you will have seen that I have been moving this week. Now I have moved a whole bunch of times in previous years, but never fully leaving my parents home, never with any degree of permanence.
So this move has been stressful like any other, with the added notion that this is with a degree of permanence. That the boyfriend I am moving in with, will be not only be the person I share the next year with but it will all be in our own space.

I am incredibly happy about that, sharing a space with the person I love most in this world is an incredible feeling. Knowing that my best friend will be there in the morning and in the evening. However this being the same year I also decided to take all of my work freelance and within the realm of the subjects in which I am passionate about.
That is sure enough, enough to make anyone queasy. You don't want to give up your work because you love it, you don't want to pass up living with the person that you love either.
So is it possible? To have a job you enjoy, a nice place to live and be comfortable? I guess that comes down to us each individually.

I've never been a millionaire or extremely wealthy so I don't really know what it's like to live in luxury constantly, I do know that growing up in a humble household has made me appreciate what I have. That with even very little you can be very comfortable.

Maybe my place of residence isn't exactly your idea of heaven but it's not you that has to live there. I've only been moved in two days but I feel already at home. It's not fully furnished, i'm not used to living away from my family, I've been feeling somewhat fragile. I realise it's the fear.

Over a year and a half ago was the last time I had anything that resembled a 'picturesque life' and I ended all those things to go in chase of something I was passionate about. Less than a year and a half later it has brought me close to my best friend in the entire world, it's brought me to my own living space with that person and it's brought me to not only working for a company that I completely believe in but also to have started my own company and be working on several projects.

It's been a roller-coaster and there have been some incredible ups and the lowest of low's. I've not seen my hardest day yet, I've not had my happiest. I've got one hell of a story to tell.
If you'd told me in Feb 2013 that in November 2014 my life would be what it is, I wouldn't have believed you.
Yet here we are.

I am strong in nature but there are things that scare me, that test me and that send me running in the opposite direction, yet I am still here. I haven't given in. I won't give in. Where I may have walked before, this is my passion, my drive and everything I want.

Be able to admit when you have made a mistake, look after yourself and the things that capture your heart. If you're struggling, ask for help. If you're tired take a break. Mostly appreciate that we are just cosmic dust spinning in the universe and if something ultimately is right, things will work themselves out, working yourself up will get you nowhere.

Life isn't perfect. We aren't perfect. Sometime we will fall. It's getting back up and walking again that helps to carry on.

My troubles seem pointless to a person starved of clean water or attacked for their orientation or gender. Yet they are important to me.
So remember you never know what other people are facing and you never know what anyone else is going through. So be a friend. Let people be your friend, don't face troubling times alone, it won't help you in the long run, if you have people around you who are willing to help. Let them.

As 2014 draws to a close, I have never felt like a more clear version of me. Even on the bad days. There are things to be improved, sure. There are things to work toward, sure. Generally I've never felt happier or more passionate about things.

My advice to you before the mad, panic and rush of Christmas begins, is take a moment to look at yourself, are you happy with what you have done with your time. Are you happy that you have given it your all?

2014 has been my most challenging year to date, it's also been my most exciting and happy. No one ever said life would be easy. It is what we make of it.

Take care of yourselves this winter and remember to take a moment to breathe.

I try to focus on the good in my life. The fact that I work for a studio I love, with people and musicians I admire, I have a best friend who stands by me no matter what and I get to now go home to him each night.

I no longer look to the hills that surround the town I grew up in, for this is my home now. This is where my journey is leading me.


Monday, 10 November 2014


It's 4:54am on Monday morning. My eyes are a little sore and my ear and jaw ache, I find myself awake at this un-Earthly time. The rest of the world seems to be asleep, blissfully dreaming, while I wake with the storm that rages ever on.

Like the thoughts that formed my dreams this evening gone, the rolling thunder and flashes of light tormented my sleepless soul until I found myself here; writing from the dim but pleasant lights that surround my window and walls. 
While I listen to Tchaikovsky and wonder whether he ever dreamed that years later people would come to him on their sleepless nights, hoping that in some way the notes of his symphony would calm their minds and steady their thoughts.

I smell the lightly fragranced air from the incense that burns on my bedside table and I sit here writing, my fingers like miniature ballet dancers, dancing their way across the keys as if every note of the music is a choreographed step in their routine.

I feel peaceful, I try to not think of the day that will shortly be upon me and instead focus on the soft notes of the music while I chomp on breakfast biscuits and I realise that all my dreams this past night were simply fear formulating in my mind and catching me at my most vulnerable.

Dreams are interpreted differently by many and while I tend not to think of their meanings too much or wonder whether they are in fact just subconscious rumblings from a deeper mindset; I do find myself a victim of my own sleep pattern. Occasionally these dreams appear and they are more half dreams, I can't really see them, it's not like a dream where I am awake in another time or place, i'm very much aware of the fact I am in my bed and I am resting when these scenes befall me.

Tonight's was a recurring theme, of being left alone. 

That as if for some reason out of nowhere my family, friends and boyfriend may abandon me and I will find myself forever alone, except that isn't really something to be afraid of. For if that were to happen for whatever reason, you'd go on to make new friends, even if that wasn't immediate, being in your own skin by yourself is not necessarily a bad thing.

Obviously as social creatures we can become quite disconnected from society if we are exposed to too much time alone, a little time alone, I think that's healthy.

I am someone who doesn't often like being alone with her thoughts, recently I have found myself in a position where I am alone quite often. I work alone, though with others more often than not my work is done by myself.
Working a couple of different jobs that though all align under one state of career means I have irregular hours which is fine for me as I find working my own hours is well suited for a girl who has always danced to the beat of her own drum.
It does however make spending time with any friends local enough to meet in person difficult, it has resulted in the majority of my friendships existing online and in occasional get together's, again this is only more noticeable for the fact that I spend the majority of my week on my own.

My best friend and I both work in creative industries so time is not something we often find on our side, we spend days apart, long nights when you are lonely and miss your best friend. We make time for each other and there are times when that is a very simple process and times when it inevitably causes friction; it's those times when we just have to be understanding of one another and look past whatever fleeting feelings of worry or temptation there may be.

We live in a world with a society that is more connected than ever, like invisible cords that keep us permanently attached to the matrix, yet sometimes I wonder whether it would be better to sever those cords and stop this machine from bleeding us dry of any life or real connection.

Working in online industries has given me a true value for real life connections and relationships. This is where I find myself battling my own demons.
With a lifestyle that has resulted in fleeting coffee meets, online friendships with friends who now live all over the globe since leaving college, uni and finding their own pieces of happiness, I do find myself sometimes feeling a little detached from the rest of my generation and humanity.

While this alone time I find myself in does bring out my fear of being alone, it also has given me time to enjoy my own company, to not feel the need to be with someone at all times, to understand more in life, learn more, feel more and think more. 

So I would say to you, whatever time it is where you are, wherever you find yourself at this present moment in which you are reading this post. You are not alone, even if you feel completely alone, you are not. There is a whole world of people out here, many of us feeling much the same way.

So go out, go to a bar, go to a restaurant, have coffee by yourself, read a book, learn a language, follow whatever strikes your heart with a burning passion of fire, I find the longer I am in my own time, I am less afraid of being alone and more determined not to end up alone.

I appreciate my personal time and know the importance of having companionship in life, if the people in your immediate life cannot be with you, then seek outside of your circle, connect with others with a similar interest, because if my faith in humanity could ever be restored, it is that I have come to find that in our greatest times of need, it is often the people we would never expect that bring us the greatest amount of joy.

From one sleepless soul to whoever you are, wherever you are, take today with the might of a dragon, soar above the clouds and let nothing stand in your way.


Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Pursuit of Happiness

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy

Guillaume Apollinaire

I read a really interesting article earlier by Zoe about attitude and posting on the internet. This was around the same time that I watched a couple of trailers for the final installment of The Hobbit. It was actually while watching a video no more than three minutes long that I fell apart.

Why I Stopped Daily Vlogging - Zoe's article.

So what does Zoe's article and five actors talking about the launch of their film have in common?

As a blogger that uses her blog within her professional work, Zoe talks about how negative comments and negative atmosphere's on the internet can affect your life, especially when you're putting something personal out there to share with the rest of the world.
Now my blog has nowhere near the identity that Zoe's does, yet people say, your blog is part of your career, do you aspire to be like bloggers like Zoe? When actually Zoe's blog is entirely different to mine and though I love it, I wouldn't compare the two. I wouldn't take a slice of pizza and compare it to my favourite cheesecake, I like both but what's the point in comparing them?
I would like to say here and now that I think Zoe should be proud of everything she has worked hard for.
To anyone who feels the need to pour their cruelty and malice into what others are creating, that you should know it is only a reflection of the person spreading the evil not of the one it is aimed toward.

Where I'll be happy to discuss the circle of fifths, the idea of filming myself doing winged eyeliner terrifies me. (Though it is thanks to Zoe that I can actually create a fishtail plait in my hair, so I guess the fact she helps even the clumsiest of girls achieve beautiful looks using what they have naturally is similar to what I'd hope musicians feel when they are featured -I'd like to think I provide musicians with a place that they can be presented and share their music with the world on my blog in a positive way.) Yet I find myself subconsciously creating ambition lists in my mind. Where are you taking the blog next? How are you going to expand? In 18 months time what will you say you have achieved?
umm 18 months ago my life was entirely different to what it is now, so how on Middle-Earth am I meant to answer that?

The person applying this pressure? Myself for the most part. There are others and I try to take that in my stride, which is all part of myself learning to overcome and take on board criticism and advice, while my music blog is a helpful tool in my career I do find myself applying constant pressure to keep that moving forward does help keep me focused. The world moves forward at an alarming rate and not answering my emails for even a day means coming back to a hundred or so emails to respond to. Yet my blog is just one part of my life, my job is made up of several other parts as well as art and performance work which aren't related to my music job and having a private life has for the last month left me exhausted.

Yet watching the video today of Sir Ian Mckellan talking about the years since the first film premiered brought me ever so aware of actually just how much I have achieved in the last 13 or so years. See I was 13 when I saw the first film and there was no Twitter, no Facebook, no blogging and the work I find myself able to do today was just not really even a thing. I was starting to formulate dreams and taking a step into the world as a teen.

Tell 13 year old Krystal that by the time the final installment of the films is being released she will run two written blogs, have an initiative of music bloggers that provide artists with promotion, her own promotion projects and a day job with a recording studio and she would have thought you'd given her the world. Really? Those incredible things will be just a part of my normal day?! WOW!

Yet here I am 13 years later telling myself I'm not good, why haven't you achieved this yet, why aren't you doing that yet, stop being lazy, you don't need a day off, be better, do more, now.

Why? For the love of all that is good KG, just take a moment to put everything in stock and realise that these steps are only the first in the rest of your life, why are you in such a rush? Take your time and enjoy every moment of it, when you look back it won't be what you did or didn't do, it will be how you felt about doing it or not doing it that you are thinking about.

While this post is a reminder to myself to relax and keep working but take a bit of a breather, it's also my way of providing the world with a little feature to say I bet you're doing better at life than you think and have a bit of faith but don't take it all too seriously.

We are after all cosmic dust hurtling our way through an unknown universe at 45688645324 miles a minute.

I plan to go and see The Hobbit in December and celebrate (and probably bawl my eyes out in places) the journey that Peter Jackson and the talented cast and team have created for us all to enjoy over the past decade. With the knowledge that I saw the first film as a kid and I see the last as a young woman who has overcome confidence issues and learnt to find her own way in the world doing what she loves. While I didn't get to appear in one of them (sorry teenage KG) I have achieved many things I am proud of over the last decade.

While Bilbo's story comes to a close, my own is only just at the beginning.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Sun and stars, moon of my life

Is this not the time, is this not the place? Time is all you have

The phrase no man is an island has been on my mind a lot recently, I've been thinking today how strange and beautiful the world is. The truth is, it dulls out the noise of the things that trouble me; when I see pouring rain over the ocean, forests of trees with wild rivers and mountains that look like stairways to the sky, I feel calm.

There will come a day when the stars fall from heaven, all except seven, I'm seated on horse with my face toward Taurus and i'm travellin'

I've always danced to the beat of my own drum, I've never been one for too much convention or society. The older I get the more I feel as though I'm a nomad, no set home, simply chapters taken from an adventure, one at a time carefully placed before me to write.

Great spirit, I have had it, bring me back to the nomadic

A friend once said 'it's nice to have somewhere to come back to' and while that's true to an extent, I don't believe that it needs to be only one place. I grew up in a different place than I live now, I have moved away, I have moved back. More than one place feel like home to me. I've always sat on the outside of my friendships, as though I'm stumbling just a step behind the rest of my world, my generation. Like the words they understand don't always make sense to me.

He's got me talking in my sleep, he's got me waking in my dreams...

I've always been a wandering spirit, when the time feels right I move on. Except the older we get the harder that seems to be. We find ourselves committed with a group of friends and family and work that if we were to keep wondering we may lose forever. Yet there's always a part of me that's ready for the road, that if given the chance I would step out of that door and not turn back.

For a while that's had me feeling like a fraud, like i'm lying to everyone around me when I say i'm settled. Except it's not a lie. I am very settled, my life does feel settled and centered full of people that inspire me and are creative and like minded.

The only way I can describe it, is as though I have two lives; I have the career, friends, home life and I have the nomadic wanderer life, most of the time I am the first so it feels difficult when the latter starts making me feel like I want to pack my bag and make a break for it.

Wake the dreams into realities... the language of no words is how we speak...and a littlebear singin' by the fireside...

The truth is, that if you make someone or something your everything than you always stand to lose it, if you can accept that things never stay the same, they grow, they may develop or they may end than you feel less likely to lose everything. I've come to realise that the nomad is LITTLEBEARWOLF. It's that little voice that said, I dare you. Start a blog, write something, write anything. Take those things you love and make them real. It's the little part of me, that stops me feeling as though my world will fall apart. It's the little part of me that when everything else is dark, shines bright in the sky like the moon and calms my spirit.

Tap me out and tap me into you, heal my brain and my body too, balance my chemistry, hydrate these cells, because the body talks and meditation helps

It's part of me, so while no man is an island, not all those who wonder are lost.

When I have those times that feel as though I only want to be out there in the world somewhere walking through a city or a forest, I don't feel guilty. It's simply my own way of saying keep going, keep learning, keep exploring, it's not the end yet.

I've noticed that when I am happy and things are good, I don't so much feel as though I want to leave, it's when things are difficult and the road seems dark that I realise I want to be out there, over the hills anywhere but here. That's when I know it's more important than ever to think about where I am standing and what direction I am facing. That being said sometimes a good old wander is the only way to clear your thoughts.

Nahko and Medicine for the people are a tribe, a tribe that though I've never met them, I feel part of them. Their words, their songs and their lives bring me peace, bring me healing and bring me light. Today though it's been dark i've felt as though I've had a friend by my side, I realise that's medicine for the people.

Little bit of cinnamon pours as we snoot, all up on my shit in the morning commute...

Our planet is our home, it's our only home amongst the vast expanse of space. We make her sick, we bleed her dry, we smother her atmosphere with pollutants and we aren't much better towards even those closest to us. I've decided to free my wandering spirit, let her roam the world as she pleases. Medicine for the people is the healing I needed in my life and I hope through the universal language of music it will be yours.

Great spirit for my sisters, let me be a flowing river, flood the banks, the rocks that bind her, carry I'll carry, great spirit for my brothers, let me be a mountain under which he climbs to discover his process now that's progress.


Friday, 7 November 2014


As I stepped out into the bright light of the mid morning sun, I was struck by the chill that wrapped itself around my hair, neck and down into my lungs as I took a deep breath.
The cool air whipped my hair across my face and round my head as I walked, leaves swirled around the air, they were brown and decaying, Autumns final stand against the onset of the coming long winter.

I set off south east, it occurred to me that I always made a mental note of which direction I was heading.

'You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to'. A quote from Lord of The Rings, no matter if i'm walking with purpose, to clear my mind or for pleasure, I often find that quote moored gently in the ocean of thoughts.

I continued on my path, past the semi-detached suburban houses of the town in which I'd come to call home and onwards over the hill towards the winding road I take to the studio; when an image begun to present itself in my mind.
I couldn't tell you what brought it hurtling up from the depths of my mind, perhaps a subconscious thought had put wind in it's sails or perhaps I'd noticed a car, a scent something that brought me back to December 2012. 

It was my darkest time. Life was simple, pleasant even. I had everything a nice life ought to have in it, I had my struggles but they weren't spoken of and life had continued up to that moment in a nice manner for about a year, since I had made my escape back to Hampshire. 
If it was nice, how was it so dark? Because I began to live a separate life. My reality was conventional and while I smiled on the outside, I screamed and rattled on the inside. Where was the passion, the romance, the art, the adventure? I'm a free-spirited soul and I need to be able to wander when the urge arises. I thought of that bright eyed 18 year old heading off into the world. If only she knew of the trials and choices that lay ahead.
I don't regret my past, I've learnt a lot and had I not been through trying times, I would never have found the courage to make a break for it, I may have settled for conventional long ago even. Changing your past may not change your future. I don't think our lives are pre-determined, I think we hold fate in our hands but we don't always have the power to control it, if ever.
I'd already decided after months of reading blogs and finding my own style and myself again that I would make 2013 the year of change. Little did I know how much.

I made resolutions that I broke almost as soon as I had made them, I settled back into a life of comfort after the festive season however something was alive, something had been woken and though it only moved in the shadows, at the darkest times of the night, I could feel fire starting to spread and it wasn't settling for nice.
I started a blog, I wrote about a handful of fashion posts but it didn't really bring me anything, I didn't feel fulfilled. I logged out thinking, well that's that. My friend invited me to see a band play, her boyfriend was supporting them.
We went along, we bought a coke and supped it as Adam* played his acoustic songs. I felt myself drawn away from the stage, there were a group of lads sitting in the corner, just guys but I felt as though I couldn't take my eyes off them. They looked seemingly regular, they didn't smile when they looked over, they barely seemed to notice anyone else in the room even.
Adam finished his set and came to join us, we had got into such a deep conversation that we hadn't heard the band start. As the guitar rung out across the noisy pub, my attention shifted and as I stared over to the stage, the rest of the room seemed to fall away.
It was the boys from the corner, the guitar was like a friend calling from an old life, as I listened to the songs I felt giddy. It wasn't a crush on the band per se, it was the music. It was like hearing an old language being brought to life.
After the set was done, we headed home. I didn't speak with the band but I knew I would have to check them out again sometime.
A couple of months passed, it was now the end of February, Adam had joined the band from the pub and my friend invited me to their first gig together. I was excited, it felt naughty. It felt dangerous. My nice life wouldn't make room for live music and gigs in old run down pubs, to me it was the greatest freedom I had known in a long time. It was like meeting my 18 year old self over again, except she was no longer naive.

I went to see the band more and more, as the days turned into weeks, I would go round and we would drink, smoke and listen to old vinyls. I loved their dingy flat, that smelt of incense, it was like going back to an old life, my heart used to sink when I knew I had to leave.
It was never feelings toward the boys, it was the lifestyle. The freedom.

I worked with them on my blog and I worked relentlessly trying to help push their music, though things fell through and the situation turned sour, I don't feel sadness. Our paths crossed but were never meant to intertwine for long. They brought the fire in me to life, they gave me a glimpse of a life I had known but hadn't had the chance to live and despite the end of our friendship, they led me to freedom away from the world of convention.

In the last days of our friendship, I began heading to gigs, any gigs, all gigs. I craved the dark rooms, the smell of beer and incense tainted in the musky air that hung in the venues, the bright light from the stage as figures emerged, their sound emanating out into the room. I felt like Lestat feeding after sleeping for hundreds of years. Live music had been my biggest passion as a teen and my early twenties saw me shun that and become lost in reality. Surrounding myself with live music felt like walking for the first time, I was unsure of where I would end up, or even if I would go anywhere, but I was doing it, I was involved, even if it were only watching and scrawling posts about it in the early hours that came after.

As my nice life came to a close and I began to chase the fleeting moments of passion, I knew it was my drug. The alive feeling I felt every-time I was around live music, around people who reminded me of modern day hippies, their art was their life, I clung to it; every moment I had to spend back in my day job was like an icicle in my heart. While my brain told me it was not sensible to leave a life of comfort to go in search of a dream that wasn't even clear, the fire in my heart only grew stronger, I've always acted with my heart, so I knew it was only a matter of time before my sensible side would lose.

I got in touch with an old friend from college who was in a band and threw the idea around of putting on a gig. We sat in my room and planned it, it was the most alive I had felt. When we weren't planning that gig I felt like I was on auto-pilot, like a mannequin waiting for the store to close so I could come to life.

A suggestion of a band she had supported was thrown around. We went down to a comedy club night at a local live music venue. I took another friend for moral support and under the smile I wore a nervous anxious feeling. I felt drawn to going that night, despite being tired and wanting to stay in.

As we entered the pub, we walked through to an entrance where we paid to get in and were shown in to a darkened room with chairs and a brightly lit stage.
My friend and I milled at the back of the room, shyly looking around taking in our surroundings. I felt oddly comfortable, ironic as that venue has now become a second home to me.
That was where I first met him. He was a tall figure, stood just in the shadow of a large alcove. He had styled hair and was dressed far smarter than anyone else in the room. He wore black jeans, slim fitting that showed his long legs, a shirt and a waistcoat. 
This is Rob from Melodramas, my friend introduced. Ahh I thought, you're the guy we want headlining our gig, polite and business manner for you then. 'Oh hello, it's lovely to meet you, my names KG'. He smiled at me with a sort of gleeful look that I didn't understand. 'Hi i'm Rob', he shook my hand.
That was all we really said. The night went on and we went our separate ways. His band were playing a gig a couple of weeks later, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to save my dying friendship with the band from before. A feature for Rob's band may interest them in playing my friend and I's gig.
I asked for three tickets and he said he'd meet me outside to give them to me in person. 
As I turned up with my friends he was sound checking but still polite enough to run outside with the tickets.

When they took to the stage, I was mesmerised. What had I just witnessed. Everything i'd been told, every word hadn't done the band justice. I was expecting good, I got breathtaking. Who were they? My friends chatted with a couple of the band, we then headed to the back of the room to see the headliner. Rob came over to chat and quickly after the band mates of mine decided they were leaving. I had to go with them. I said my goodbye's and thought nothing more.
Sam* said he loved Rob's amp, 'find out what one it is', wanting to please my friends I text Rob a polite message asking, while I sat at the flat and drank and smoked and listened to vinyl, I realized I hadn't paid much attention to my 'friends' as I had been messaging Rob back and every time a reply came through I'd smile as I read it.
Tired from the long nights and working full time, I went to my mums and was sat chatting with her when a message pinged up from Rob, he'd read my review and they liked it. We chatted a while longer about his band and music before he asked if I'd like to go for coffee the following day.
Aware of our dying friendship, I made it choice to pop by the boys flat in the morning to collect some things.
'You aren't going to go are you?' ' He's obviously interested in you' my 'friends' sneered as I said goodbye. 'I need to go to the shop. I'll walk down with you' said Sam* with an almost fierce tone. I didn't understand the hostility as though they'd had my full attention, they never seemed satisfied, and now, I was making new friends, they seemed almost sad I would leave them.
I met Rob and realized my nerves were butterflies, I shouldn't be excited about this. I wasn't looking for anything, I had all these plans I was formulating. Yet here he was sat opposite me and there we had been chatting for almost 2 hours before I became very aware of the fact we had been sat chatting for TWO HOURS. How had that happened?! 
It was like meeting a friend, someone from a past life and I felt safe. I almost didn't want to leave, but it scared me. It scared me how easily I could speak to him, how intently he listened to every word I spoke.
I made an excuse about being busy and we went our separate ways once more. Except we were involved now and as it happens, it was only a matter of time before we became very close indeed.
I no longer speak to any of the band from the start of that story. Without them, I wonder if i'd ever have met Rob.
It turns out I know some of his friends and have done for a very long time, it turns out I met some of his friends on rare occasions and that for a long time we were in adjoining circles in the same places, the same time and yet had never met. Yet now, when our circles had been the furthest they were from one another, we were thrust together and became the best of friends.
There aren't many people in the world I can be my whole self with, there aren't many people in the world I could spend a week straight with, but with Rob I can.
As I got to the top of the bridge, I looked across the horizon and thought, how extraordinary it was, yet so ordinary. All of the things that had happened over the past year and a half. How if even one thing had been different, that tale wouldn't have happened, yet here I am telling it.
The story of how awakening myself and meeting my best friend led me to the poorest, most stressful yet richest, most peaceful, happy time of my incredibly extraordinary ordinary life. As my friendship with Rob bloomed as did my creative flare for my blog. My blog became my home for that life of freedom, every time I posted it was like a brick built to make a wall, a room and a home for me in that new life.
I've been really stressed recently and taken more for granted than I should have done. While the winter storm rages on outside, I put my hand on the door to the studio and pull it open. I am greeted with the black and red walls. I am home. This studio has become my base, it's the hub for all music in the local area and the place I wish most to be. 
I can't help but smile every time I walk in. 'It seems like you never stop' a friend said. I laughed it off but realized after, I don't but I don't mind. That studio is my family, my friends and it means the world to me. My blog is my biggest treasure. It's my most valuable possession, it's my horcrux I never meant to make.
Every choice and decision from the last 18 months has led me to here. So I feel hope, that I've no idea what comes next but that forms the excitement. I had no idea two years ago my life would be this, so i'll not try to guess where or what I'll be two years from now.
I said to my mum when leaving my old life. I know what I need and it's not convention. I'm too much my mothers daughter. I'd rather be broke and passionate than wealthy and miserable.
There's no moral to the story because it's the never ending story of my life so far. Except that I no longer wish things were different, I no longer hope for better times or a life, everything I have right now is the key to my happiness. It's down to me to balance the equation and keep that moment happy. I try to live earnestly, passionately and see the beauty in everyday that I wake up to.
We all have the power to be whatever or whoever we choose. Our tales are all different. Try to see the beauty in even the smallest of life's occurrences. You never know when they may just become the most important things in your life.

Kudos if you get the second part of the post title. We gotta go back Marty, back where Doc? To the future!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


I've been tagged for this post by the lovely PippaSays, if you haven't read her amazing blog, make sure you do today. I love blogging and connecting with bloggers so it was exciting to be tagged and get to share this post with you.
I actually did one last month similar to this, 30 facts about KG so i'm going to try and change this one up a bit so it's different from everything I shared in that post.

The Liebster Award is essentially the online version of “tag” – except with this you have to share facts about yourself, rather than watch people run away from you as you shout “nooo, not me again.”
I used to avoid tag as much as possible at school, my lack of lung capacity and extreme clumsiness resulted in scraped knees, hands, bruises and even once a rather deep cut from a thorn bush I was pushed into!

So let's hope Blogger tag is considerably less painful eh.
As I said I was tagged by music turned fashion blogger PippaSays, you can see her post for the tag right here. The tag means whoever has been nominated posts 11 random facts about themselves, then answer 11 questions the blogger who nominated them has asked.
Then select 5-11 other bloggers to answer questions you have asked them.

11 Random Facts

1. I once had my haircut on TV for children in need. It was done by Stingray from Neighbours and he cut my hair from waist-length to a bob.

2. I was filmed by the BBC for my local theatre group doing scenes from Shakespeare plays.

3. I used to do 'spells' as a teen and was convinced my high school relationship ended because a potted plant I had grown at the beginning of the relationship fell from my windowsill and was damaged. Though to this day I still think my mum threw it out as she was worried about it being 'magic'. I've never since done a 'love spell'.

4. I don't like being spun-round and will avoid teacups, waltzers and merry-go-rounds as much as possible. I have been daring enough to go on a carousel once or twice though!

5. I once let my friend cut my hair using the reflection of her kitchen window (it was dark outside) and a pair of what I can only recall as kitchen scissors. I cried. I think she cried and then we went for Pizza Hut.

6. That same friend wrote me a song as a gift for when I moved away and I cried when I the CD broke, it was the first song ever written for me and to this day I still remember and treasure it.

7. My cousin and I used to create our own radio shows, we even held a guess this noise competition, our radio names were based on our favourite animals. Mine was ElephantWelliphant and MonkeyWonkey is now a well respected photographer.

8. That same cousin and I designed our own chocolate bar, I don't remember exactly the ingredients but I can imagine why it was never picked up by a candy company.

9. That same cousin again did a photo-shoot for me and just as she convinced me to sit atop a post box, a bus FULL of people gawping out pulled up and stopped at the junction. That cousin and I may not see each other for months or even years but when we are back together it's as if we are 13 and 16 again and the giggling never ends.

10. My music blog has emerged from a one day a week post to two blogs, a career in the music and media industry as well as helped me find the confidence to turn my life around and follow my heart.

11. I modelled for a local town fashion show in the shopping mall. One of the guys I met that day turned out to be my boyfriends best friend. After initially meeting Greg back all that time ago, I never actually met my boyfriend Rob until 8 years later, even when he introduced me to Greg, I never imagined it to be one of the guys from that day. Only when I added a photo to Facebook and Greg commented on it, did I realise he was in fact the same person! What a small world.

So I hope you enjoyed those 11 random facts, if you haven't read my 30 facts about KG post you can do so here.


1. What should we expect to read on your blog?

On LBW you can read all about new music, reviews, gigs and festivals. On LBWC you can read about all of my personal adventures, my adventures with RobMelodrama and posts on fashion, style, food, lifestyle with a good old ramble thrown in for good measure!

2. Which social media platform should I find you on the most?

Twitter, then Instagram. @littlebearwolf for both accounts.

3. How did you get into blogging?

I was reading BeckyBedbug's blog daily and finding more fashion blogs to read before starting a string of blogs I didn't continue, before finding my way to LITTLEBEARWOLF. You can read more about how I came up with LBW here and all I have to say is that BeckyBedbug, NotSoCity and Effiesmakeupbox encouraged me to follow my heart and change my life for good.

4. Which emerging artist should we be keeping an eye on?

Locally in Hampshire - Quartz, The Butterfly Culture, The Arrivals, Matt Blake and Kassassin Street in general The Sherlocks, Jaws and Great Garb.

5. How do you discover new music?

Through Twitter, bands, working with bands at the recording studio and Soundcloud.

6. What’s the best gig you've ever been to?

Reel Big Fish. The Wedgewood Rooms. Portsmouth. 2014.
Hottest, sweatiest night of my life but with my best friend RobMelodrama, our friends and of course Reel Big Fish who made the entire night fantastic and made 16 year old KG very very happy indeed!

7. What’s your favourite small independent fashion shop?

WAISTE vintage.

8. Which look will you be living in this winter?

Anything that brings a bit of Thrones or Skyrim into my cloest; faux fur lined boots, thick pashmina wraps and faux fur scarves with gothic twists.

9. Which comedian do you think is completely underrated?

Bill Bailey is probably the wittiest man alive. I don't thin he's underrated exactly as he's so well known but I do think he's my favourite comedian.

10. Which 5 bloggers should we be following?


11. What do you hope to have achieved with your blog this time next year?

I hope that I will continue to find inspiration daily to create posts and features. I hope that I will have expanded further with all of the passions I am interested in.

KG's Questions to you

1. What inspired you to start your blog?
2. How do you find new bloggers/blogs to read?
3. Do you feel your online presence is a fair representation of your offline presence?
4. How do you fit your blog into your life and is it a hobby or career tool?
5. What do you feel about different blog topics to the topics you feature?
6. How do you find out about new music?
7. What sort of music do you like reading about?
8. Which social media sites do you prefer?
9. What inspires your posts?
10. Which blogs do you enjoy?
11. What are your plans for your blog?



I hope you have enjoyed this post and I look forward to reading your posts.

Images / content belong to their respective owners.

Monday, 3 November 2014


So here's the thing. I was thinking recently about how few female friends I have. I've been really harsh on myself recently for not being a proper girly-girl. Except what does that even mean? Does that mean because your'e interested in beauty you can't speak fluent German. No. Does that mean because you're interested in fashion you can't be an outdoor girl? No.

I work in music and the majority of people I work with, happen to be male. (I'm not saying there's not females in the industry - I have female friends in the industry they just either live far away or our relationship is online.) I only have a couple of girls my age that I would say I was close with, my other female friends are either a few years younger or a few years older than me.
It doesn't really bother me that I don't have the SATC stereotype friendship circle, mainly because my life is not a TV show.
I think it's partly why I struggled at uni with socializing, I wasn't one of the lads and I definitely wasn't one of the girls.
Take freshers and even life after uni for instance - I've never been a clubbing, cocktails, shopping trips or gossip kinda girl. I've been going to gigs since I was 13, I grew up in a small town surrounded by trees and fields and I would say even now I'd pick climbing trees over going shopping.
That doesn't mean I don't have a clue about fashion or beauty, they just aren't my be all and end all.
I never went to underage club nights, mostly because I went to ska-punk gigs. I never wore high-heels because I loved skate shoes. I still don't get excited over shoes and bags. I'll set my heart on a pair of boots or a rucksack and then wear it until it falls apart, when I'll get the next item i'm lusting after.

I've been feeling quite guilty recently that I don't abide by the 5:2 diet, that I don't have 'my girls', that I don't have any interest in the kardashians, made in chelsea, x-factor or strictly or other shows of that nature. The thing is I shouldn't be making myself feel guilty because while a-lot of females I know are into these things, that doesn't mean I need to be.

I don't really like clubs. I have probably been clubbing (which wasn't an alternative night wear I wore jeans and pumps) maybe less than 10 times since I was 18 and NEVER before. I hate people rubbing themselves against me, I hate feeling like an animal in the zoo and dancing to music I wouldn't normally listen to, while dressed up to the nines without a coat in mid-December.

Don't get me wrong, that's not me being stuck up, if that sounds like your weekend, if you enjoy it then great, just personally I don't. That doesn't mean I never go out, I go to gigs A LOT, I go to restaurants, bars, pubs, I'll go to clubs if it's an alternative night and I can wear my old jeans and tees. I just don't like going 'clubbing'.

I should state that some clubs put on WICKED alternative nights with banging DJ's and everyone has a good old mosh and a dance, I don't mind that at all. I'm 26 and I know what I enjoy. I'm not willing to spend my time doing things I don't enjoy anymore for the sake of 'it's shit but it's a good way to get smashed' or 'it's a laugh' SORRY. For me a laugh is actually being able to chat to my friends or have everyone over for a get together, going to a sorry ass club to watch men who should know better leer over 18 year old girls while having beer drunkenly lobbed over me is not my idea of a laugh.
I don't want a mans attention if to get it I must be almost naked rubbing against him.
Not that I get smashed very often but if I do it'll be from drinking too much rum while laughing uncontrollably with my friends.

I'm not judging anyone of their interests, how they spend their down time or what music they like, I'm just saying that I know what I like. I don't like the fact I've been giving myself such a hard time for not liking those things. I certainly hope that the girls I do know are not giving themselves a hard time for not being interested in the things I am interested in.

As for the image stuff, I don't see why I have to be skinny or curvy. What about those of us that fall imbetween? Why is it so bad to actually be comfortable with your figure? Okay so it's not what you perceive as beautiful or perfect. Okay, i'm not asking you to look at me.
I like my figure, sure there's things I work on but it's not the be all and end all of my day. When it comes down to it, 90% of the time I feel pretty good in my skin. There I said it, call me vain, if I complained about my weight you'd also call me self-obsessed.

I don't judge my figure by a number on my scales, by a number in my closet, by how my clothes fit (shock horror clothes shrink over time with washes and wear with wear.) I certainly don't judge my figure on what you, her or even he thinks. I don't care if Victoria's ribs are sticking out, I don't care if whichever Kardashian it is, isn't really a Kardashian. I just hope they're happy in their lives, the way I try to be in mine. I lose or put on weight depending on how I feel in my body. For the record if you do care about those people, that's cool, I'm not saying you can't, i'm just saying I don't.

I don't care if you're a 6 or a 16, if you're my friend it's certainly not because of how you look. It's because when we're together I feel like there are no problems in the world, when there are, you help me stand strong and know that in your battle I'll be right next to you.

I shouldn't feel bad because I don't have three or four girls that make up my gang. I have friends near and far, here and online. A mix of men and women, from all ages, they're the people that I like socializing with. Okay so I don't do lunch every Sat or have girly film nights, that's okay I'm okay with that.
I don't do the 5:2 diet or the atkins diet, I eat some days more than others, I am more active some days than others, I'm okay with that.
I don't mind the girl I see in the mirror, she has flaws but that's what makes her, her. I'm okay with her, as long as she's doing her best, she's doing alright.
I'm not a home-maker, that's okay, I'm only 26 maybe when i'm 36 I'll feel more like having a family.
Maybe I won't, I'm okay with that too.

I don't judge you by what you do, how you do it, or how you look through it, as long as your not hurting people, keep doing what you do.
I'm just letting you know that just because I don't fit your tick-list, doesn't mean you can judge, bully or tell me what I should be doing. Only I can make that choice.
My friends are all entirely different, some are introverts, some are extroverts and some fall somewhere imbetween. Some i'm similar to, others i'm completely different to.

If you judge someone, you have no time to love them. Don't let others make you feel you aren't good enough as you are and don't make others feel they aren't good enough, it's not them it reflects.

Being a friend is the only way to have a friend.
To hell whether everyone else thinks you're cool.
I'm not cool, I'm not the popular girl but I don't care because at least i'm being true to myself, which for a long time I felt as though I couldn't.