Saturday, 8 November 2014

Sun and stars, moon of my life

Is this not the time, is this not the place? Time is all you have

The phrase no man is an island has been on my mind a lot recently, I've been thinking today how strange and beautiful the world is. The truth is, it dulls out the noise of the things that trouble me; when I see pouring rain over the ocean, forests of trees with wild rivers and mountains that look like stairways to the sky, I feel calm.

There will come a day when the stars fall from heaven, all except seven, I'm seated on horse with my face toward Taurus and i'm travellin'

I've always danced to the beat of my own drum, I've never been one for too much convention or society. The older I get the more I feel as though I'm a nomad, no set home, simply chapters taken from an adventure, one at a time carefully placed before me to write.

Great spirit, I have had it, bring me back to the nomadic

A friend once said 'it's nice to have somewhere to come back to' and while that's true to an extent, I don't believe that it needs to be only one place. I grew up in a different place than I live now, I have moved away, I have moved back. More than one place feel like home to me. I've always sat on the outside of my friendships, as though I'm stumbling just a step behind the rest of my world, my generation. Like the words they understand don't always make sense to me.

He's got me talking in my sleep, he's got me waking in my dreams...

I've always been a wandering spirit, when the time feels right I move on. Except the older we get the harder that seems to be. We find ourselves committed with a group of friends and family and work that if we were to keep wondering we may lose forever. Yet there's always a part of me that's ready for the road, that if given the chance I would step out of that door and not turn back.

For a while that's had me feeling like a fraud, like i'm lying to everyone around me when I say i'm settled. Except it's not a lie. I am very settled, my life does feel settled and centered full of people that inspire me and are creative and like minded.

The only way I can describe it, is as though I have two lives; I have the career, friends, home life and I have the nomadic wanderer life, most of the time I am the first so it feels difficult when the latter starts making me feel like I want to pack my bag and make a break for it.

Wake the dreams into realities... the language of no words is how we speak...and a littlebear singin' by the fireside...

The truth is, that if you make someone or something your everything than you always stand to lose it, if you can accept that things never stay the same, they grow, they may develop or they may end than you feel less likely to lose everything. I've come to realise that the nomad is LITTLEBEARWOLF. It's that little voice that said, I dare you. Start a blog, write something, write anything. Take those things you love and make them real. It's the little part of me, that stops me feeling as though my world will fall apart. It's the little part of me that when everything else is dark, shines bright in the sky like the moon and calms my spirit.

Tap me out and tap me into you, heal my brain and my body too, balance my chemistry, hydrate these cells, because the body talks and meditation helps

It's part of me, so while no man is an island, not all those who wonder are lost.

When I have those times that feel as though I only want to be out there in the world somewhere walking through a city or a forest, I don't feel guilty. It's simply my own way of saying keep going, keep learning, keep exploring, it's not the end yet.

I've noticed that when I am happy and things are good, I don't so much feel as though I want to leave, it's when things are difficult and the road seems dark that I realise I want to be out there, over the hills anywhere but here. That's when I know it's more important than ever to think about where I am standing and what direction I am facing. That being said sometimes a good old wander is the only way to clear your thoughts.

Nahko and Medicine for the people are a tribe, a tribe that though I've never met them, I feel part of them. Their words, their songs and their lives bring me peace, bring me healing and bring me light. Today though it's been dark i've felt as though I've had a friend by my side, I realise that's medicine for the people.

Little bit of cinnamon pours as we snoot, all up on my shit in the morning commute...

Our planet is our home, it's our only home amongst the vast expanse of space. We make her sick, we bleed her dry, we smother her atmosphere with pollutants and we aren't much better towards even those closest to us. I've decided to free my wandering spirit, let her roam the world as she pleases. Medicine for the people is the healing I needed in my life and I hope through the universal language of music it will be yours.

Great spirit for my sisters, let me be a flowing river, flood the banks, the rocks that bind her, carry I'll carry, great spirit for my brothers, let me be a mountain under which he climbs to discover his process now that's progress.


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