Wednesday 29 October 2014


  I love connecting with each of you and sharing music, fashion and various posts with you. I try to keep my personal life, well personal, but I understand that some of my readers and followers would like to know more about the girl behind the blog; so i'm going to do the 30 facts about me tag, hopefully that will help you all get to know me a little better.
I'll try to make it interesting, hopefully there's 30 things I can tell you about myself!
Feel free to share your links with the tag in the comments, it would be nice to know more about the people reading my blog and fellow bloggers.

1. I was named after Krystle Carrington, a character from a TV show named Dynasty. It aired throughout the 80's and my mum loved the show. 
*I had a huuuge crush on Orlando Bloom as a teen and his teen crush was Krystle Carrington!

2. I am 26 but most people mistake me for between 19-22, I never get offended when i'm asked for ID - only when it is refused! 

3. I grew up in a small countryside town called Malvern, then spent my teens living in nearby Worcester. I went to high school there and still miss it, even though i've not lived there in years.

4. My birthday is May 7, though it should have been two weeks later, I was premature as my mum took a fall down a spiral staircase. Eek.

5. Ancient ruins, old forests and the Jurassic coast are some of my favourite places to escape to, I love the history and the fact they remain untouched despite it being the 21st century.

6. Vintage maps, old books, vintage clothes and old photographs are some of my favourite things to collect, I like to feel everything has it's own character and story. I currently own four vintage geographical maps, a map of Westeros, a map of Tamriel and i'm after a map of Middle Earth to complete my collection.

7. Oh yes, I am a bit of a geek when it comes to fantasy. I love Tolkien, Pratchett and fantasy-adventure novels. *Apparently Tolkien stayed in Malvern while he was writing The Hobbit and some of his inspiration of The Shire comes from there, the gas lamps inspired C.S Lewis while he was writing the Narnia stories. I love Tim Burton films, anything to do with dragons and playing Skyrim - that's often where I'll escape to when I need to hide from the world.

8. I normally play Skyrim as a Nord Warrior and have great interest in Scandinavia, it's folklore, history and Native American lore and history.

9. My passion for Native American lore is what inspired my blog name, when I needed guidance in my life and a direction to follow, I came to create LITTLEBEARWOLF, since then it has remained my way to connect with the world and build my career.

10. I have Blue eyes, but they often turn a shade of Grey when I am sleepy or poorly and a Greenish colour in the summer months. This has led to a longstanding joke that I am part-faerie or mythical creature with my friends.

11. I am 5ft 3 which makes me fairly little in terms of people. However Buffy the vampire slayer is apparently also only 5ft 3.

12. My hair is naturally Blonde, though through my teens I dyed it almost every colour it would go. I have it lightened to a white blonde shade using toners at the moment, though I am considering letting my darker blonde grow out.

13. I don't really care for shoes and bags. I own only a handful of pairs of shoes and even less handbags. Right now i'm loving faux-fur lined walking boots and winter boots as well as one giant handbag. *I do a lot of walking so tend to pick practical items over things that look pretty and I only purchase them when I really need them. The sound of a thousand retailers and bloggers readying their pitchforks...

14. I do have an obsession with jewellery and treasure. I never buy expensive jewellery as I'm far too likely to break or lose it, so I have gathered a collection of costume jewellery in a variety of style but mostly mythical / historical inspired pieces and I have a collection of herb bottles, little stones and candles.

15. I did ballet, contemporary, jazz, street jazz and tap dancing classes and Michael Flatley's The Lord Of The Dance is my favourite dance show EVER. Second is Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake.

16. I love to cook, my signature dishes are a vegetable linguini for summer and a vegetable stew for winter. I am indeed vegetarian. 

17. Whilst studying at college, I did a Shakespeare course in drama at RADA, London. 

18. I almost always get cast as sweethearts or damsels in distress. Apart from when I played the angel Gabriel in a school production back in 1992.

19. I absolutely love huskies and wolves. Especially the ones with piercing blue eyes.

20. After first watching Star Wars as a kid, I would only wear brown or beige clothes and was determined I would be a Jedi when I was older. As I grew up I decided I would be an astronaut and after realising science and math were not my strengths, I turned to my creative side to be an actor. I am yet to play an astronaut or a Jedi.

21. Though I mostly studied performing arts, music is my biggest passion. Other subjects that interest me are ancient history, astronomy and alternative therapies like crystal healing, yoga, herbology and meditation.

22. I should probably have gone to school at Hogwarts instead of Blessed Edwards.

23. People tell me I remind them of Luna Lovegood, Daenerys Targaryen and Amanda Seyfried. I also often get asked if I am Swedish or Norwegian and sometimes Polish, though I do have some Scandinavian in my heritage and apparently something odd like 1/127 Spanish.

24. I absolutely love Dinosaurs and Dragons.

25. I know all 50 states (and state capitals) of the US, despite never having actually been to the USA!

26. My favorite actors are Steve Buscemi, Bruce Willis & Tom Hanks. Oh and I have a minor crush on Kit Harrington.

27. No matter even if you make me a small cup of coffee or tea, I will always leave a little at the bottom of the cup. This has led to the nickname two-sips as apparently I only take two sips before leaving the rest.

28. I don't really like sweets, chocolate or dessert, I do love savory scones, tea cakes and carrot cake.

29. This ones going to get me shunned from the blogger community buuuut I really don't get the Disney princess thing. Don't get me wrong, I'll watch the movies, I actually grew up watching them and enjoy them, but I really don't get the 'totes obsessed with princesses thing'.

30. I used to carry a small framed poster of Elijah Wood around, I even took it on holiday to Devon with my parents, then cried when my mum said I couldn't bring it to lunch. Awkward.

So there you have it, 30 things you never knew about me before.


Images / content belong to their respective owners.


  1. Oh that was lovely! I feel like I really know you haha! Much love <3

    1. Thank you lovely! Glad you liked it, let me know if you do one similar, would love to read. Thanks KG xx
